Saturday, February 13, 2010

About God, Religion and Indian Democracy

[Authenticity of some of the Data I used are questionable and might be a mistake from my side. Please do point out if anything like that comes to notice]

You might be wondering in the eve of Valentine's Day, didn't I get a nice topic? I said that because even I am wondering why am I blogging about this on this eve. But then I do not believe in Valentine's Day. Why do you need a day to celebrate if you are in love? Every day of your life can be celebrated. May be I don't have a lover is the reason I am thinking so because it seems everybody is celebrating it. The media is celebrating it, a lot of people are buying millions of cards and gifts. Still me who is jealous all the lovers of the world is thinking, it is just somebody making profit from the whole world. It is just a fact that there are a lot of days which cover up most of a year. I can even ask who said new year begins on January 1 and how January 1 different from any other day in the year except for the people who market and make money out of it. But then I am wandering of the topic. Just ignore it as a mumblings of jealous guy on the eve of the V-Day. Lets come back to the topic. Each word was chosen for a reason. All these words were put across my mind in the last two days and i do have something to mumble about it. :)

Let us take the first word, God. The obvious question is that do i believe in God. The answer is a Yes and a No. How can i say that is a valid doubt. I would like to mention that i am a bit agnostic. I know that was a bit obvious. But i do believe something that controls the world. May be it is what is called fate. I was always fascinated with science, but i have realised that science have a long way ahead before it can define the force that defined the small probability that led to 6 billion human beings with intelligent brains and a countless other organisms from a chemical solution. I had become a fan of science when I read through Stephen Hawkings' Literature and GUT. But then soon after I realised even GUT was just a myth. It was an impossibility, There were some things beyond the four forces of Physics. Another thing was that i ended up in a better life than my past. Life is fun once again and i started believing some things will happen good in life to everyone. I started believing in my destiny. That was a change in my life. I would never again deny the existence of God, unless i get enough proof. I hope that is what i have tell about the three letter word "God", the name man gave to the force that rules a lot of probabilities. But still that doesn't make me believe any of the millions of Gods i see around living in India, why?

Thus I come to the next word, Religion: Religion was created by humans as the old famous lyrics say "Manushyan Mathangale Shristichu, Mathangal Daivangale Shristichu...". I don't believe in any of the religions. Religions were created by the old thinkers so that layman lives properly, the holy books should be read as an instruction set to live properly, the morals to be followed in human life explained through fables and stories. The problem with the world is that it either makes the thinkers holy and sacred or leave them as ignored beings. To be frank i believe in the Quran concept of Jesus than the Bible version of it. Jesus was a thinker and prophet. The Bible is a collection of glorified stories about him. This looks like the familiar Da Vinci Code concept, eh? The Hindu Mythology has millions of Gods but still there are situations in which The Thrimoorthies cannot do anything and leave it to fate. The blind belief in the religion is the problem. It should be considered as just a guide. Religious extremism is a bane to the whole world. I hate the way extreme religious spirit is used wrongly. The religion has been used as a tool to create enemity between the people which it was supposed to unite. None of the religions tell about anything other than loving the others. Still they come up with ways of killing people in the name of religion. I am not proposing anything here. I am just quoting a lot of people who understood this and have fought for this like Sree Narayana Guru. But now even the followers of the same person is becoming really . The people who understood religion never wanted a religious bias. It is quoted regarding the partition of India that "The irreligious Jinnah wanted a religious state, and Gandhi who was wholly religious, wanted a secular state." Religion is set of restrictions for the people so that they don't cross their moral limits. It was devised so that if people won't understand by preaching, let them be afraid. But everybody takes it as "The Book" of Living. It should never be like that. :(

India is world's largest democracy and i would mention one of the worst. Mahatma Gandhi had a great vision about India and so when India was partitioned he was hurt. I guess seeing the current state of India, I feel Godse just did something good to him. It would have just had a lot more of pain if he had to live more. Likewise Dr. B R Ambedkar had a great idea when he wrote down the constitution of India. If he see the way it is being used he'll kill himself. He had a vision which is now distorted. All the loopholes in the constitution are properly misused. India is divided into a lot of way, religiously, language-wise. The Unity-in-Diversity is like the strength of Indian Cricket Team, It is just in paper. The fate of Indian Hockey team which earned a lot of honours compared to Indian cricket team provides the importance of money in India. The Hockey doesn't make money, so it is not promoted (Surprisingly the world cup is being promoted by its main sponsor Hero Honda considerably), whereas BCCI which has money enough to buy-off ICC rules and keeps generating money. Indian Politics is essentially the game which the rich Indian people play on others. The rich gets richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And the salaried middle class pays a quarter of their income as IT in order to pay off the Members they have elected who very comfortably and silently increase their salaries and perks when they needed by themselves. I am not telling that India is not getting better at all. But it is getting better much slower than it should. I hope it'll get better as it gets more educated and politics gets more sensible.


Signing off


Daniel.... :)


Johnthampu said...

You cannot dismiss Bible as a collection of glorified stories about Jesus. Ofcourse the entire Bible and Christianity focuses on the one person Jesus Christ.But when I say whats written on Bible am not making a vague statement, its supported by evidences.The problem today is that is people somehow want to dismantle traditional christainity and replace it by thier own version.This effort is clearly seen from dan brown's popular fiction Davinchi Code based on gospel of mary and peter whicj cannot be considered historically reliable. I am not lying but you can check it on the net where most of the scholers including secular ones corrobrate this.
There are many reasons why we can say that the Bible is reliable and true
1) The places, tribes, customs ,traditions etc etc has been proved continuosly by archeological evidences.
2) The Bible is not written by a single or by people who were contemporaries.Its consists of 66 books written by many authors over a long span of time yet its unique and coherent in its message.It is by itself a miracle
3)The prophecies written long time ago in the old testaments have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
4)You told that people tend to make persons like Christ holy or divine. This is called what history people call developement of legends in History .But the 4 gospels which tells us about Christ were written so early that there was no time for development of legends.Infact it is more reliable than any other historical sources of that time including Alexander the great and apart from gospels we have the creeds of Pau in corinthians which is written within AD 40
The point is THE GOSPELS are written at a time when many of the people who saw Jesus was alive and its impossible to forge.And thats the last thing they would do because they were in atime of great animosity towards Christ unless they have the strong conviction their Lord has risen and often had to pay for it with their life.

Scribbler said...

@johnthampu: i didn't say bible was fake. I didn't say it was a forgery. glorification is different from forgery. I said i had rather believe jesus as a prophet. I agree bible makes sense historically that Jesus lived in a point of time in history. I didn't deny that whatsoever.

Then i said I was inspired by DaVinci code concept. But You think as if I have believed da vinci code to be exactly true. I know it is a work of fiction and nothing of that sort is true, But rather i'm telling you that gospels might have been chosen, not forged. I say somebody says He is God and his believers write his life stories with something extra and you might be writing the real story of him. But when his believer compile a book, their style of stories will be added. I just mentioned Christianity might have done that long ago while the Bible as it is was compiled. I haven't learned how compilation of the bible happened. The coherency of bible again depends on how it was compiled.

Again another reason why I'm not very comfortable with bible as "The Bible" is it has been translated and re-translated many a times. It is possible that now it means wholely different from what it meant in the true version of it depending on the people who translated it through the times, knowingly or unknowingly, due to belief or feeling for glorification.