Sunday, February 14, 2010

About MNIK, V-Day

[Warning: This Post may contain Spoilers regarding MNIK]

I should have made the yesterday's post today, because the movie was so inspiring about some of my thoughts. The thought about the role of religion and how religion should be considered really is something worth a thought. To be frank, I went to the movie expecting a negative review as a post because of all the hype around. But then it did impress me. After all it was at least a bit serious movie, the kind I like, because it had a great message to convey, the fact that 'Muslim!= Terrorist'. Maybe some things were a bit too unrealistic, but then movie had a theme around it and it was a very nice experience and that is what you have to expect from a commercial Indian movie. The Characters in the movie are really touching and well executed. It also pointed out ways in which inequality and enmity between the races and humans still exist widely in this world. The way the movie was presented was good and is worth watching. It also vaguely portrays the effect of money on the relationship as well as on the love between humans. Where there is only a little bit of money, a lot of love is always there. The 'Wilhemina' episode did really point out this. All the love and nice relationship exists when there is very less money. Yup I am coming to an old quote... "Money is the Root of All evil." I love to criticise rich people when i am not that rich. But then I have felt it if you have a lot of money, You always will get distracted. There was some created jokes also, but for me it seemed out of place. Still I am so happy that I got a chance to see the movie this week, or else it would have ended up in the long list of I would like to see movies :)

Regarding the V-day, though i don't like it because it is a one of the highly hyped marketed day and because i don't have someone to spend it with, it might be a good thing to happen for a lot of people around the world especially for those who don't get time for expressing love in their busy life. But as a person who is against the people who make money out of the world like the card manufacturer's which has a board "Today is .......... Day. Wish your ....................... on this day with a Gift/ Card from Us" almost every day. I think they are the people who think how humanity should work. Why should everyone profess love on Feb. 14. What is so great about the day? According to the Greeting Card Association 25% of the cards sent in a year are for valentine.(Information Courtesy: So they are the one's who need to celebrate. I believe in Love.. true love.. not a joke. And i believe if two people love eachother enough they can celebrate every day in their life. They'll never need a valentine's day. But then every body will tell "True Love" is a myth. But i believe in it until proven wrong. Let us see. Marketting people are making money out of of people in many ways. That is what I hate about living in the globalised world. Everything is money and there is not much time for money becoming a religion. Even Human lives have no value compared to money. There can be a better life in this world. But for the world to change it should change from inside but if we think let others change first and prove successful, then only i'll change, you'll never succeed in changing the world. There are two ways one can end up if you try to change the world. Either as a nice person or as a crazy person. If you don't like what i said, i'm quite happy to end up as the crazy person..... ;) ;)


Signing off once Again,

Daniel (Thakkudu)

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