Sunday, November 11, 2018

Life: The good things

It is not always that I drop around to scribble nowadays,but not as rarely as the state of the blog suggests.There are a few incomplete posts that lie along in the drafts section and the few other depressing reads strewn over the World wide Web.

Life has not been very great lately. Things have been going away from plans, wishes and dreams. I do not know, what all i can be happy about.

But then since the last post life has had a lot of things happening.  Life has changed a lot. The life is too crazy sometimes. Last time i wrote something here, I was sitting comfortably at my "rented" home in Norway and now i am back in beautiful Kerala in the comfort of my home. But comparing the two situation hardly does justice to the time that passed.The twist and turns of things that happened is simply overwhelming.

It was reaching the midsummer of 2015, around 1 year after the last post. The Oil industry i have been working was starting to show the troubles of a low oil price and things weren't looking good. The boredom of the job not turning out as exciting as expected was reaching its paramount places and though not really a big problem, light feel of racism was starting to hamper the life I had. Why so is a complicated answer that remains with me. Well so the trouble was brewing already.

In late 3rd quarter, the news finally broke that I will be let go at the end of the year and what i would have would be the the right to stay in Europe for another 6 months to look for a job. Since 6 years in an engineering job and 3 countries had really killed my interest in a job right then, I decided it was best to utilize that 6 months visa to travel Europe and then return to India and think about an MS later because i needed a break. 

So began an exciting phase of life, unchecked unhinged traveling, meeting people, seeing places across Europe.  The times passed quite quickly and i had been to places never heard of before, done things exotic for an average person and met some amazing people on the road. Then was the hard phases. On July the 1st of 2016, I was in India, jobless, no direction in life, nothing to look forward to other than that i am at my home comfortably.

So the idea that comes ahead next is the to do a Masters. While my idea was like, go back to Europe, a life i was quite a fan of, and i place i never got tired of travelling. What i had in my mind was a 1 year sabbatical travelling India and brushing up stuff a bit and then go after a masters in europe. But then now i was back in India, within hand's reach of my parents and all my plans kind of fell apart and i was doing a masters  in a place near my home hardly 1 month after i landed and a week long short trip to meet friends. Oh well, i did not want to fight against my parents and follow my heart. Do I regret that decision here and there. But then I chose to accept their decision and try to find maximum leeway as i can in the framework. So decision was travel a bit here and there, finish masters and go further. 

Now life never comes as it plans right. But life has not been entirely boring. 2 years after it, the masters thesis being completed. Riding to Bangalore and Hogenakkal in a bike, surviving an accident from the motorbike and adding a plate of titanium to my hand, traveling to Bhutan, Attending a Palliative Care Conference,  Roaming around and exploring thrissur, the cultural capital of Kerala, Having a lot of friends and few fans of a life lived, among other things. 

But eventually I am stuck, I feel imprisoned somewhere i should never have chosen. But I have no regrets. Right now the effort is to break free from a situation i myself created because i decided to relax a bit. Is Life fun right now? No, not really. to paraphrase a friend of mine, I have become a person who was a high flyer, who had a life worth envying to a miserable failure in  many ways and he did not know half the things, I was feeling miserable about. 

Anyways, i think the time is coming. At least i hope there is some light at the end of this dark tunnel i am in, though i do not see much.  But hoping for that miracle to save my life,  and this is somewhere i will try to drop by more often. :)

So let us see