Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Writing about the movies i like and have seen will be a lot of work though there are notable ones like a walk to remember, paycheck etc. There are a lot of movies i like.. But now i decided that now onwards i'll post my comments about the movies i see.

I have finished watching Subramaniyapuram just now. Its a touching movie about the 1980's of Tamil Nadu i think. With understanding only about 80% of the dialogues, a part of the storyline have been my guess. Anyway i liked the whole setup of the movie. The movie basically has a classical romance hidden inside a lot of violence.

The movie is basically about a small local town, and the motives of the political people making use of the unemployed youth which is loyal to them, breeding them as a  gang of criminals. Then they are sent to jail means they are helped by people who want to use them, as are already reputed killers. As the movie progresses the violence comes in and the romance is lost by midway.

The movie is a realistic one setup in a town which is ruled by local landlords who control the town and the heroes or the main characters are being brought to their use  easily. Its a lovely movie with a bit of suspense and love, but having a lot of violent sequences. 

So the beauty of beautiful classic romance in the beginning is spoilt by the bloodshed that follows. It also has very tragical climax with a good ending which gives a good feel to the viewers. Because at last it has been justice executed though cruel.

I know some of you will blame them for choosing that path. But you should really visualise what leads them to do it, what is the situation behind. They were wronged because they believed in somebody else who had cared for them in the past. He didn't keep the word making them criminals. It was the situations that led them to believe him. This shows a viewpoint of how a person helps them and then makes them do what they shouldn't do and makes it appear that apparently it was their choice.

The villain in the storyline could influence the heroes and lead them to a tragic end. It also has something to do with political rivalry in which the neutral and general public becomes a scapegoat by the hands of the party leaders for their benefit.

This can be viewed as an eye-opener for the youth who falls in false friendships and commitments that may lead you to the worst of paths to the future

Monday, August 25, 2008

As the time of the exams come again.....

Exams are always a hectic tym when NitC... Life's all upside down people get up at odd tyms like 4 o'clock when then used to sleep. Pinne see notebooks for 80% of time instead of the 1st 5 mins of class they take to sleep off. and mugging up studies just to fill up the paper tomorrow and forget about it after exams. The time people forgets about everybody else and lives in circles around the toppers of the class.

Thats the time i feel most lonely just because it isn't my style you know..i shouldn't be the one to tell but i study some things bcoz i like to know .once i know an outline i never mug it up. May be i don't wanna study at all in detail. One thought you shouldn't have in NiTC.. i think why byheart and vomit in the paper next day. i study for knowledge which can be accessed again by reading the textbook once more.

Thats one reason why i think i shouldn't have taken engineering. i should have done a B.Sc in physics or maths and went into a research field. Only then i could have done something..Because engineering is an approximate analysis where maths my favorite subject which is hailed as the 'queen of science' TAKES A BOW " to the complexity involved in practical applications.Being a great lover of mathematics it is something i cant stand.

I hate the thing called calculus that neglects dx*dx.. however small its a value na. One thing i didnt know about engineering was that Calculus was the one and only base of engineering. So thats the reason i hate engineering the most. whether or not it is correct "Its How I think".. may be it is difficult for me to change.

I like precision and truth. athukondu thanne i dont study.. i hate it.. So in the wake of exams i do something else when others study.. then enjoy with them all tym els.. its fun na.. thus this blog was born last end semester... Now aftr 1 exam in s7 i uploaded abt 280 mostly google logos.. all of a sudden when the olympics was abt to close..fell in love with the doodle concept of google.. and became an admirer of the art of google logos... and uploaded a lot of photos and kept a lot more for later.

Currently lemme try a bit of studying a bit
signing off